Tuesday 28 June 2011


Salam S.U.S.U semua…
Kali nie nak bercerita pasal susu. Aku kalau cam nak bancuh sendiri milk powder tuh memang xla. Cam loya. Kalau minom milo panas pon mesti kene ‘O’. Tapi kalau Milo Ice ok plak tekak nih kalau ade susu. Ngade2 kau Ain.!! Mak aku kate, minom susu dik, minom susu!!! So, nak x nak minom la juwaaa.. Utk susu, aku amalkan yg Ready- to- Drink r. Selalu aku beli yg Low Fat Dutch Lady UHT Milk. (yang nih confirm tekak aku ley terima) sebab xrase loya sgt..  hikhik…
<This is a Goodness of MILK>
Enriched with:
 Protein --> helps build body tissues
Calcium --> helps build strong bones & teeth
Vitamin B2 --> for the release of energy from protein, carbohydrate & fat in food
# Daily nutrition is needed for our body to protect the imun system.
~To Dutch Lady M'sia: TQ coz makes me become a milk lover(UHT) jelaaaaa.. lalala..

I'm taken the Low fat.. BEST BRO..! u shud try...

yg nih KID punye ye.. jgn budget KID ok.. bekotak2 pon xcukup korg minom..

Nie pon..